
Ag Floors Hardwood Refinishing & Installation

Thinking most buying some prefinished floor but wondering well-nigh the lifetime of the product? We were too and decided to look into it.

Can y'all sand and refinished pre-finished hardwood floor?

It was of import to u.s. that if we were going to spend multiple thousands of dollars on overnice hardwood floors that we could refinish them at a later fourth dimension if we wanted. After all, this is a bigger investment in your home, so you want to make the correct decision.

What we found is that generally the answer is that yes you can refinish your pre finished hardwood floor. The one caviot here is that they need to be solid hardwood floors.

Your Dwelling

When you are moving in to a new home, more than than likely in that location is something well-nigh the house you are going to change. Many times, people are moving into new homes that already have pre-finished hardwood in some of the rooms. It may be that you do non like the sheen (matte or how shiny they are), or just want to change the color. Older floors typically have a higher sheen than well-nigh other pre finished woods and thus will show scratches and look a chip outdated.

In our case though, we do not have any woods flooring in the entire business firm and are simply trying to examine our options for long term dwelling use. Check out the ugly carpet we volition be replacing! Afterward consulting multiple people and many websites online, there was a lot of people that but prefered site finished floors over any pre finished floors. The reasoning? Nothing of substance. We kept running into an answer that pre-finished hardwood looked false, but if you look at any of the decent jobs done on Pinterest for example, you lot volition not be able to tell the departure.

And so if your pre-finished floors practice not match the residual of your abode, you dislike the color/sheen, or yous are just looking at how long they volition concluding, you are probably asking yourself 1 question that lead you here. Can you refinished pre-finished floors?

The respond is nearly ever "Aye" but the site finished or pre finished flooring needs to be solid hardwood. If the flooring is something called "engineered hardwood" so more than likely you will not be able to refinish the flooring.

Engineered hardwood has become more popular in the last few years equally their is generally a lower cost associated with them. The downside is y'all ordinarily cannot refinish them.

How do you know if yous have solid hardwood flooring or engineered hardwood floor?

Actually quickly, let'southward become over the departure of each of these.

Solid hardwood is exactly what it sounds similar. It is a single piece of wood that is solid throughout and is generally near iii/4″ thick.

Engineered hardwood you tin recall of like a block, which has different layers. You have a top layer that is a hardwood veneer and and then right below that modest superlative layer, you have different plies, or layers of wood. These are typically laminated together. Think of the way you would plywood. Since beneath the veneer top layer you have these laminated pieces of wood, the cost is generally much lower than solid hardwood.

So now that we have that out of the way, how do you know if you lot have engineered hardwood flooring versus solid hardwood?

  • If you have a woods flooring in your basement or anywhere that is below grade, and then you most likely have an engineered floor. Below grade just ways that information technology lower than the ground level exterior. The reason why if you have a floor that is wood below class it is probably engineered is that y'all should not be installing solid hardwood below class. The temperature and wet changes can brand your flooring buckle. It is very rare, but there is always the instance that someone made a mistake, simply the general rule of thumb is if below grade, information technology is engineered.
  • Sparse flooring? If your floors appear to be sparse, they are probably going to be engineered. Typical solid hardwood is 3/iv″ thick where every bit engineered hardwoods are almost always thinner. If yous accept any flooring left over from the previous possessor stored somewhere you can hands determine that way. If not, the easiest way to check is by taking a look at transition points such as in the closet or taking off your heat registers to look at the thickness of the woods.
  • Sitting on superlative of concrete? Then most likely, your flooring is engineered flooring. Solid hardwood must be nailed down into a plywood base and you cannot nail this into a concrete base. Engineered flooring is unlike.
  • Floating Flooring? This means you probably have engineered flooring as well. If you are not familiar with what a floating floor is, it ways that it is not really attached to the subfloor beneath it. If your floor moves when you lot are jumping upward and down or depresses when you walk, this ways information technology is a floating floor. These cannot be sanded considering non only is the terminate also thin in the get-go place, but if you were to try and sand them, the floor would move and bounce up and down not allowing an even finish.
  • Width is 2 1/four″ inches broad. If the width of your boards are ii 1/four″ inches wide then you probably have solid wood flooring as this is the standard side for any solid hardwood. Enginereed woods typically does non come up this narrow.

The easiest way to tell is but to check the flooring registers effectually your house and remove them to take a look at the wood. Nevertheless, if you lot are unable to tell if y'all accept solid or engineered floors, and then y'all should either make it touch with the erstwhile dwelling owner or get a local flooring contractor out. You do not want to make the mistake of trying to do something to the wrong type of flooring!

Can you lot remove bevels from pre finished floors?

If y'all take pre finished floors and are looking to refinish them, then the first thing you will be doing is sanding everything down. This ways that most of the bevels are going to exist removed during the process.

Bevels are simply the grooves in between the woods that are sometimes a bit too deep and yous are looking for a more uniform look throughout your dwelling house.

Here is a video that I found on youtube that goes over the process of refinishing pre finished floors and how you tin reduce or sometimes simply get rid of the bevels during the process.

Wrapping It Up

So to conclude this article and to answer the question "tin can you refinish pre-finished hardwood flooring?" the answer is mostly yes, but information technology has to be solid hardwood!

Best of luck in your next flooring adventure!


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